Our Market Intelligence solution adds value to your recruitment process through a data-driven talent search that results in the ideal candidate for your company in terms of expertise, remuneration benchmark, and performance.

With almost two decades of experience in the Indian job market, we have perfected the science of supporting the talent strategies of businesses by harnessing the insight of data to enable you to make informed hiring decisions.

Our recruitment experts combine market intelligence that spans talent mapping, compensation surveying, and reference checking to zoom in on the ideal candidate for you. Our data-driven recruitment research capabilities include analysing competitor organisational hierarchies, identifying human capital trends in relevant fields, markets and industries, and benchmarking clients’ positioning and compensation against competitors.

With the support of a range of data sources, we employ a unique and effective approach to recruitment in three stages.

Talent & Market Mapping
This process enables us to discover talent in demand in your specific industry, identify the best experts from competitor companies, and uncover transferable skills best suited to your business.

We begin by understanding your industry and competitors and proactively create a profile of your ideal candidate even before the vacancy surfaces. This enables us to be prepared to approach the best candidates for your business, ahead of time.

Information such as what professionals value most in an employer, your brand perception in the market, and key hiring trends within your industry is uncovered during the Talent & Market Mapping process.

Compensation Survey
Simply put, in this step we use data to compare your proposition against your competitors’.
We begin by establishing what your industry professionals are looking for in an employer and analyse that against your offering to deliver research-backed data that will inform you on how to attract and retain the best talent. Our deliverables include detailed compensation analysis by industry and designations, salary benchmarking, and benefits assessment.

Our Compensation Survey which draws from market data collected from our own candidate networks, publicly available insights, and our recruitment data collated over the years, enable us to scientifically arrive at compensation packages and benefits required to attract the best talent.

Reference Checking
We conduct independent reference checks on potential candidates to ensure you have a deeper understanding of their reputation and performance before you make the final decision to hire. Recruits are both an invaluable resource and an investment; our unbiased and verified reference checks are formulated, step-by-step, to uncover qualitative insight about candidates that venture beyond mere verification of their credentials.